Friday, April 27, 2007

Damn you real life

Tonight I saw this headline - 'Peter Andre in brain scare' - and got all excited. People are scared he has a brain? Damn right we are, people - because the brain keeps the fucker alive! Without a brain, that's one less mouth-breather celebrity we have to worry about.

Sadly, real life is much less interesting.

Then again, if you read the article, you discover all manner of interesting titbits:

"Peter's not well at all," said Claire Powell, a spokesperson for Andre and his wife, glamour model Jordan, aka Kate Price.

Not well? Yes, we sort of gathered that. Clearly the poor luv fears his penis is about to wither away and drop off - possibly as a result of steroid abuse, mayhap?

"He's had lots of tests, but nobody's any the wiser.

IE, his IQ is still at sub-moron level.

"He's just really poorly."

Yes, as is his 'music'.

We now return you to our normal schedule.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Is it my imagination, or does Mr Andre's head look superimposed on his body in that picture?